

Creative & Digital Marketing


I&S Digital

NStyle Beauty Lounge Digital Marketing

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Client:  ;NStyle UAE
Project Duration:  3 Months
Project Description:  Digital Marketing

100K+ website visits & 15K Messages for SPA Saloon in UAE

Budget Spent: AED 72K

Messages Received: 15K

Quality Requests: upto 80%

Сlient came with a request for attracting more people to visit the salon and achieve stable profit and revenue. Previously, the client tried to run ads on his own and wanted to stably retain visitors to maintain revenue levels for all Laguna’s branches. , but did not get the desired results at all.
Launch completely new promotion strategy and improve the client’s current results with our advertising work.

Our Sales Funnel

Multichannel promotion We decided to use three social networks : Instagram + TikTok + SnapChat. The idea is to reach as many users as possible on all platforms and guarantee an increase in reach all over the most popular social networks in UAE.

Messages campaignsWe started campaigns for messages with offer to book an appointment for the audience in Instagram, TikTok and SnapChat. Communication through messages guarantees us that we will receive the correct contact information of the person and will be able to continue the communication and warm the potential client up.

Web-site trafficCampaigns for those who will visit the landing page and book an appointment there. Also a good way not only to get contact details, bur also to show many services and visual content of the site

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